for questions or submissions, please contact:

Please submit your photos for our digital print issues by sending us an email with your story in low resolution.
A large edit of 15-20 images is preferred.
The photos of the story need to be exclusive for Provocative Society Magazine, meaning they have to be unpublished.
— Size: A minimum of 2400 px in width is required for final images.
— Format: .jpg, .tif, .zip, Dropbox or WeTransfer links.
— Resolution: 300 dpi
— Color: sRGB – RGB (even if they are black/white).
— Credits: Please include (a simple file: .pdf, TextEdit or Word) complete and final credits for staff and everything we should include. You also include the link to your website/portfolio and the IG usernames for photographer and model/s.
— IMPORTANT: Location and a short story (a simple file: .pdf, TextEdit or Word) about the shoot.
Email: : Digital/Print Issues